Accelerating innovation. Smart Cities International Conference 2022 | Call for papers

The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Faculty of Public Administration, cordially invites you to the 10th edition of the Smart Cities International Conference, which will be held on December 8-9, 2022, in Bucharest, Romania. Participation to the conference is open to academics, policy makers, early-stage researchers and students in social sciences and other related fields. Experts in comparative public administration and elected officials of local governments are strongly encouraged to engage and submit their contributions to one of the Conference tracks. This anniversary edition aims to focus more on longitudinal studies of digital reforms, locally and globally. Successful application may also approach one or more of the following: e-government, e-democracy, social innovation, urban planning and development.



  • Smart Governance;
  • Smart Environment;
  • Smart Technology;
  • Smart Economy;
  • Smart People;
  • Smart Mobility;
  • Smart Living;
  • Smart Education;
  • Young Leaders for Smart Cities (open to students and early-stage researchers);
  • Future trends – Smart(er) State.

The language of the Conference is English. Abstracts and articles may be submitted also in Romanian, provided that their presentation is made in English. Templates for abstracts and articles are available here.

Information regarding the registration process is available here.


All submitted articles undergo a peer review process: please refer to the timeline of the Conference for more information. Contributions accepted for publication will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be edited and printed by Universul Academic Publishing House and Universitară Publishing House (accredited by the Romanian Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education and by the National Council for Attesting Titles, Diplomas and University Certificates). Selected papers may also be published in our two – internationally indexed Partner Journals:

There is no participation or publication fee.

Read the full Call for papers here.


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