European Parliament 2024 Elections and the Territorial Dimensions of Populist Euroscepticism

On Friday, May 24th, 11.00 – 13.00 CEST Time (12.00 – 14.00 Bucharest Time), we welcome you to the online seminar „European Parliament 2024 Elections and the Territorial Dimensions of Populist Euroscepticism” which will be held by:

  • Claudiu Crăciun – FSP, SNSPA (Chair)
  • Roch Dunin – Wąsowicz – LSE / UCL
  • Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni – European Institute, LSE
  • Luke Cooper – LSE Ideas, LSE
  • Natasza Styczyńska – Jagiellonian University
  • Henry Rammelt – FSP, SNSPA
  • Jose Javier Olivas Osuna – LSE / UNED
  • Paulina Polak – Jagiellonian University


This seminar comes as a direct response to the need for a better understanding of how populist Eurosceptic mobilisation occurs at local and regional levels, especially as the Union has been faced with numerous and overlapping crises. The speakers will map this mobilisation through a territorial lens in the context of the coming European Parliament election in June. The debate builds on the work done within the CIVICA Research project “Local mobilisation against the EU. Territorial dimensions of populist Euroscepticism” (EULOC), from which the speakers are writing a Special Issue in Political Studies Review (PSR) on the same topic. Sign up here.

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