Dr. John M. Nomikos
Prof. John M. Nomikos is the director of the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS), Chairman of the European Intelligence Academy (EIA) based in Athens, Greece, and founding editor of the Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies (JEAIS). He is head of the International relations, history, and politics department at Webster University, Athens. Dr. Nomikos directed the Greek team in a consortium of five countries (Northern Ireland- UK, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, and Israel) and completed successfully a two year (2009-2011) European Union FP7 research project titled: SAFE COMMS on “Counter-terrorism Crisis Communication Strategies for Recovery and Continuity.” Dr. Nomikos was awarded the “2019 Life Achievement for the Development of Intelligence Studies in Europe” by the International Association for Intelligence Education – European Chapter (IAFIE-Europe) conference in Bucharest, Romania. Dr. Nomikos focuses his research on transatlantic relations, European Intelligence Studies, US Foreign Policy, Energy Security, Greek Israeli relations, Greek Indians relations, Illegal migration, transnational crime, jihadi networks, and extremism in the Balkan peninsula. He has written articles for academic intelligence journals and participated in international conferences in EU member-states, the UK, Middle East, USA, India, Taiwan, and the Gulf States.