This event will bring together experts, teachers and practitioners who will address the effects of the pandemic on education.
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CIVICA invites you to the launch of the Public Lecture Series Tours d'Europe with an event on "Democracy in the Time of Pandemic," hosted online by CIVICA member Central European University on 15 February 2021.
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In line with CIVICA’s core values, such as commitment to excellence and the building of proven partnerships, effective dialogue between representatives of different cultures is essential, and depends on various variables.
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Over to Europe brings CIVICA’s students, researchers, faculty and staff into dialogue about the ideas and values that are central to Europe. By consolidating the collective experience and knowledge of CIVICA’s community, we work collaboratively to articulate an understanding of Europe today and a vision 
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Fall 2020 at the eight CIVICA members meant a safe and enthusiastic start, optimised digital tools, and supportive virtual campus communities.
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CIVICA aims to have an impact on society beyond academia. Actions require attention to the local context, clear objectives, and coordinated activities.
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Amazing guest lecturers from all over the world are eager and willing to share their ideas, experiences and best practices with SNSPA students.
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The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Faculty of Public Administration, organize the 8th edition of the Smart Cities International Conference, which will be held online on December 3-4, 2020.
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European identity is a fundamental concept for the social sciences and one of the most discussed topics at policymaker level as well as citizen level. We aimed to find out what is the current view on European identity at the top of the EU. We talked to Dr. Victor Negrescu, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education, European Parliament, and Lecturer and former Vice-Rector at SNSPA.
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The CIVICA alliance, of which CEU is a founding member, welcomes the decision of the European Court, which reaffirms the EU’s commitment to academic freedom in Europe.
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