Preliminary results of the project “A pilot study on mapping the attitudes towards Covid-19 vaccination in online communities (ROHUVax)”, presented in a SNSPA-CEU joint workshop

The team of the research project “A pilot study on mapping the attitudes towards Covid-19 vaccination in online communities (ROHUVax)” – one of the winners of the CIVICA’s second call for collaborative research proposals – will present the preliminary results of research in a joint workshop SNSPA-CEU. The workshop will take place on January 19, 2023, 4:00 PM, Eastern European Time (EET), on Zoom, bringing together experts from SNSPA and CEU. Overall, the workshop is dedicated to professors, researchers and PhD students.


The ROHUVax project is coordinated by Prof. Alina Bârgăoanu (Dean, College of Communication and Public Relations, SNSPA), together with two other team members from Central European University (CEU): Eva Bognar (Senior Program Officer, Democracy Institute, Centre for Media, Data and Society, CEU) and Judit Szakacs (Outreach Coordinator, Democracy Institute, Centre for Media, Data and Society, CEU). The aim of the ROHUVax project is to create, test and validate a scalable, interdisciplinary, mixed-method methodological framework for mapping and analyzing the public conversation on COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination on Facebook in cross-national research projects (Romania and Hungary).


The pilot study on mapping the attitudes towards Covid-19 vaccination in online communities was envisioned as a means to build a methodological framework that allows public conversation mapping using data-driven technologies for social sciences related projects. The topic is relevant since there was plenty of conflict surrounding the COVID-19 vaccination efforts in the European Union, with several particularities in Eastern Europe.



Therefore, the workshop will discuss the context of the research, the literature foundation, as well as the way in which the methodology was envisioned and employed in the given context. The main insights from both Romania and Hungary will be presented, accompanied by reflections coming from experts.


Event agenda:

Thursday, January 19, 2023, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (EET Time), Zoom


Opening remarks

  • Professor Alina Bârgăoanu, Dean, College of Communication and Public Relations, SNSPA, ROHUVax Project Coordinator

Guest speakers interventions

  • Dan Sultănescu, Research Director Center for Civic Participation and Democracy (CPD), SNSPA

Team members interventions

  • Project presentation and literature review – Flavia Durach, Associate Professor, College of Communication and Public Relations, SNSPA, Expert ROHUVax Project
  • Methodology – Bianca Cheregi, PhD Lecturer, College of Communication and Public Relations, SNSPA, Expert ROHUVax Project
  • Preliminary Results – Roxana-Varvara Boboc, PhD Student and Expert ROHUVax Project, Judit Szakacs, Outreach Coordinator, Democracy Institute, Centre for Media, Data and Society, CEU and Expert ROHUVax project
  • Q&A Session with the participants

Moderator: dr. Cătălina Nastasiu, Expert ROHUVax Project


Participants are required to register until January 18, 2023, here.


More details about the project are here.

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