Webinar: “What would a Feminist Foreign Policy look like in ESEE Region?”

The Eastern and South-Eastern European (ESEE) Fanel Network Monthly Webinar Series continues with an event dedicated to Feminist Foreign Policy, which will take place on March 2, 2022, at 2 PM EET, on Webex. The event will be transmitted live on the Facebook page of ESEE Fanel.

The keynote speakers of this event are: H.E. Mrs. Therese HYDEN, Ambassador of Sweden in Romania, Mrs. Luminița POPESCU, Deputy Minister, Head of the Agency for Equal Opportunity, Romania, Prof. Agnieszka GRAFF, Ph.D. (dr hab.), professor at the American Studies Center, University of Warsaw, feminist activist/scholar, Poland, Prof. Zuhal YEȘILYURT-GÜNDÜZ, Ph.D. professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, TED University, Turkey, Dr. Ekatherina ZHUKOVA, Senior lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University, Sweden.

Moderated by Ms. Ramona Avramescu, Reporter, Public television TVR and hosted by Prof. Liliana Popescu, Vice-Rector for International Relations at SNSPA, and President of the ESEE Fanel Network, the webinar welcomes as panel guests all ESEE Fanel Members who confirm their participation.

The event is open to students, public authorities’ representatives, members of the research and academic community, journalists, human rights activists, NGO representatives, women and men interested in feminism, EU officials, and diplomats.


Eastern and South-Eastern Europe Fanel Network is the network of women experts in International Relations from the East and South-east of Europe, and from the extended Black Sea region, founded by Professor Liliana Popescu, developed with the support of SNSPA, co-financed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) – Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation and implemented with the support of UN Youth Romania, and other partners.

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