Securing Smart Cities International Conference Fourth Edition

The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Faculty of Public Administration is organizing the third edition of the Securing Smart Cities International Conference, which will be held on June 09, 2023. The participation to the conference is open to academics, policy makers, practitioners, researchers and students from all areas of administrative sciences, communication, informatics and cybernetics – but not only. We also encourage the participation of specialists from the public administration bodies.


Participant’s interventions will primarily focus on the following aspects, but will not be limited only to these ones: cyber management, information sabotage, fake news, (personal) data security. The list may also include ongoing researches and case studies on cybercrimes, data leaks, face recognition challenges and opportunities and IoT risks.


  • Cyber management;
  • Information sabotage;
  • Data security.

Presentations, as well as the Q&A sessions, will be delivered in English.


  • As a speaker – please write a title for the presentation and a short abstract (250 words) and send it to no later than 21.05.2023.
  • As a participant – please send us an e-mail to no later than 21.05.2023.

There is no participation fee.


The articles will be scientifically evaluated and the ones accepted for publication will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be edited and printed by the Universul Academic Publishing House along with Universitară Publishing House – a publisher accredited by the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education and by the National Council for Attesting Titles, Diplomas and University Certificates. We encourage not only academia to publish papers, but also public administration’s practitioners. The conference’s scientific committee will select the papers that are to be presented in the conference’s plenary sessions and the authors will be notified by e-mail.

Selected papers will be published in

There is no publication fee.


National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA)

Bvd. Expozitiei, No. 30 A, Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania


Professor Catalin VRABIE, SNSPA, Bucharest – Chair of the Conference;


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