Innovating teaching practices in digital environments

Webinar / Professional development for junior teaching professionals in all CIVICA partner universities.


This professional development event aims to discuss how teaching was or can be designed in order to facilitate authentic learning, to motivate / maintain learners motivation, to dynamize educational situations and avoide the teaching routine, especially in digital environments. It encourages reflection and the sharing of personal perspectives on teaching experiences, in the context of rapid digitization experience in a pandemic context.


The event is designed in one session, combining essential elements of teaching design with practical activities and collaborative exercises. The purpose is to develop skills for designing learning activities with digital support, to analyse critically and explore opportunities for improvement.


Speakers / trainers:

  • Dr. Miruna Butnaru-Troncotă, Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations and European Studies, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
  • Dr. Simona Velea, Associate Professor, Department for Teacher Training, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
  • Drd. Mirela Alexandru, Assistant Lecturer, Department for Teacher Training, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration


Format: online webinar

Duration: 2 hours

Frequency: Once a Year. The workshop can be also organized on demand, min 8 participants

Prerequisites: none

Unit responsible: SNSPA, Department for Teacher Training

Open to CIVICA Partners? YES


Other comments (inc. dates of any scheduled events):  April, 5, 2023  17.00-19.00 EET

Registration link:

Deadline for registration: April, 3, 2023

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