Conferința “Gestionarea relațiilor etnice în România și Europa de Sud-Est”

Miercuri, 5 iunie 2019,  ONG-ul Roundtable on Ethnic Relations, în parteneriat cu Școala Naţională de Studii Politice și Administrative (SNSPA), organizează conferința “Gestionarea relațiilor etnice în România și Europa de Sud-Est”. Evenimentul se va desfășura la sediul SNSPA (Bd. Expoziției, nr. 30A), parter, Sala Multifuncțională, în intervalul orar 9:00 – 16:00.


Printre vorbitori se numără:

Allen H. Kassof

Allen Kassof is President Emeritus of the Project on Ethnic Relations (PER), which he headed from 1992 to 2005, presiding over several key interethnic negotiations in the Baltic countries, in Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, and the Russian Federation, and in former Yugoslavia and the successor states of Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. He was the founding director of IREX (International Research and Exchanges Board) where he served from 1968 to 1992. IREX was responsible for the principal U.S. exchanges of scholars with the USSR and Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

Kassof holds the Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University was a professor at Princeton University from1961-1973 as well as Assistant Dean of the College from 1965-1968 . In 1978-1979 he served under President Jimmy Carter as a member of the Presidential Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies. He is the author of articles and books on Soviet affairs.


Stefano Bianchini

Stefano Bianchini is Professor of East European Politics and History at the Dept. of Political and Social Science, U. of Bologna, Forlì Campus. He is Rector’s delegate for relations with Eastern Europe. From 2004 to 2015 he coordinated the MA in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Studies (MIREES), an international MA in English awarding a joint diploma of the U. of Bologna, Vytautas Magnus (Kaunas), St. Petersburg, and Corvinus of Budapest. As an expert of Balkan issues, particularly on Yugoslavia and its successor states in politics, contemporary history and international relations, he published several books and articles in Italian, French, English and other languages. He was an adviser of the ICTY, in the Hague. Editor in Chief of the English Series on the Balkan and East-Central Europe (Longo Publ., Ravenna), he is the Executive Editor of «Southeastern Europe», Brill, Leiden. His last book is “Liquid Nationalism and State Partitions in Europe” (Edward Elgar, 2017).


Alex Roinishvili Grigorev

Alex Roinishvili Grigorevis the President of the New York-based Council for Inclusive Governance (CIG) and an Adjunct Professor in International Peace and Conflict Resolution at Arcadia University in Pennsylvania. Educated in history and international affairs and an expert on Balkan politics and ethnic relations, Grigorev, among his other CIG duties, facilitates discussions of political and ethnic leaders in the Balkans and leads programs on fostering democratic governance and minority inclusion. CIG is currently conducting dialogue processes between Belgrade and Pristina that include cabinet officials and members of parliaments. More about CIG is at  Prior to heading CIG, Grigorev was the Executive Director of the Princeton-based Project on Ethnic Relations (PER) where he developed and conducted programs on interethnic relations in Southeast Europe and the former Soviet Union. PER helped to develop the first minority legislation in a number of post-communist countries. He was also a lecturer on ethnic conflict and interethnic relations in Europe at Princeton University. Before joining PER he was a fellow at the Calvert Emerging Europe Fund in New York City. Grigorev has been working in the Balkans since 1991 and is the author of numerous articles, essays, and reports on Balkan politics and interethnic relations published in the United States and Europe. He lectures in the US, Europe, and the Middle East on ethnic conflict, inclusive governance, and international relations.

Professor Grigorev holds degrees in international affairs and history from Columbia University, the Central European University, the State University of New York, Moscow State University as well as a mediator’s certificate from the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.


Jonathan B. Rickert

Jonathan B. Rickert is a retired U.S. Foreign Service officer, with over 35 years of service with the State Department. He was educated at Princeton University (B.A., in history) and the George Washington University (M.A., in international relations), where he wrote his thesis on Romanian minorities. He also attended the U.S. Army Language School (Russian) and Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Mr. Rickert had overseas diplomatic assignments in London, Moscow, Bucharest (1971-1974), Vienna, Trinidad and Tobago, Sofia, and again in Bucharest, where he was Deputy Chief of Mission/Charge (1991-1995). He was State Department Desk Officer for Romania (1982-1984) and Director for North Central Europe, including Romania (1995-1998). Following retirement, he was involved as a contractor in overseeing U.S. Government assistance to former Warsaw Pact member countries, including Romania.

For several years he served on the board of the Princeton-based NGO Project on Ethnic Relations, headed by Professor Allen Kassof.



  1. Larry L. Watts

Larry Watts is is an Associate Researcher at the Romanian Academy of Sciences. He was Senior Consultant to the Project on Ethnic Relations during 1992-1998, authoring many of the PER reports. A former RAND consultant, he also headed the Bucharest office for IREX in 1990-1991. In parallel with these activities, during 1991-2009, Watts was security sector reform advisor to Romanian state and governmental authorities, receiving awards for his work on military reform and NATO integration, democratic oversight over the new intelligence services, police reform, ethnic reconciliation, and Romanian-American relations. He was instrumental in the creation of Romania’s National Defense College in 1991 and the Council for National Minorities in 1993.


Watts earned Master’s degrees from the University of Washington, Seattle (Russia and East Europe Area Studies) and from the University of California, Los Angeles (Comparative Politics and International Relations), and a Ph.D. in political science from Umea University in Sweden. He has lectured and published widely on security topics and the Cold War in the United States and Europe, including in Master’s programs at the University of Bucharest during 2013-2017. Recent publications include studies on mediation efforts in the Vietnam and Arab-Israeli conflicts, and Fighting Along Interior Lines: Romanian Security Policy During the Cold War (2018).



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