Autori SNSPA

Stoica, C. A. (2018). România continuă: Schimbare și adaptare în comunism și postcomunism, București: Editura Humanitas
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Partenie, C. (2018). The Mobile Cave. An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, in Dublin Review of Books, Dublin
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Pop, A. (2018) Out of the Grey: Romania in NATO, in Arnold H. Kammel, Benjamin Zyla (eds.), Peacebuilding at Home: NATO and its ‘new’ Member States after Crimea, AIES Series on European and Security Policy, Volume 5, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 171-191.
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Bucur, M., Miroiu, M. (2018), “Birth of Democratic Citizenship: Women and Power in Modern Romania”, Indiana University Press
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Zlătescu, Moroianu I., Zlătescu, P. E. (2018) Comparative Perspectives on the Enforcement and Effectiveness of Antidiscrimination Law in Romania, în Mercat-Bruns, Marie, Oppenheimer, David B., Sartorius, Cady (Eds.), Comparative Perspectives on the Enforcement and Effectiveness of Antidiscrimination Law Challenges and Innovative Tools, in Ius Comparatum 
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Todor, A. (2018), ”Willing to Pay? The Politics of Engendering Faith in the Post-Communist Romanian Tax System” în “The Leap of Faith: The Fiscal Foundations of Successful Government in Europe and America”, Oxford, Oxford University Press
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Berceanu, B. (2018). “Sisteme administrative emergente“, Editura Economică, București
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Schifirneț, C. (2018). “Sociologia şi ştiinţa naţiunii în doctrina lui Dimitrie Gusti“, în Revista română de sociologie,  Nr. 1–2, București, pp. 135-168  
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Pop, A. (2016). “The European Neighbourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership Between Idealistic Intentions and Realistic Drawbacks”, în Mihail E. Ionescu (Ed.), Eastern  Partnership: A Civilian Security Perspective, Military Publishing House, Bucharest, ISBN 978-973-32-1036-8, pp. 198-204.
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Pop, A. (2017). Security Challenges on the South-Eastern Flank of the Euro-Atlantic Border. În Theodore J. Gordon (ed.), Identification of Potential Terrorists and Adversary Planning: Emerging Technologies and New Counter-Terror Strategies. Amsterdam, Berlin, Washington, DC: IOS Press, pp. 106-124.
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